The Beginning

Tyrin was born & raised in New Orleans, LA & Shernavia was born & raised in Pensacola, FL. He moved down to Pensacola after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005. It all started in 2011 when they were in high school. Although they didn’t go to the same high school, they begin to connect through Facebook. He went to Escambia High and she went to Pine Forest High. Then they begin to see each other around multiple school events & occasions. They even took the A.C.T together in 2013. That’s when they immediately started to become friends. They've known each other since 2011 but then started a friendship in 2013. As the years begin to fast forward, Tyrin always stayed in touch with Shernavia. During those times she was still trying to figure herself out and was in toxic relationships, so she wasn’t able to pursue their friendship like he wanted too. They continued to stay in touch over the years. Keep in mind as the years went by they never saw each other but just stayed in touch by text or phone. Tyrin knew Shernavia way before she rededicated her life to Christ & he also watched her transition herself into a God fearing Woman. He knew the old side of her and everything she endured with past relationships because he was always there for her when she needed a friend. He truly knows her heart when it comes to Christ. The real question is why she never gave him a chance? God told her that her soulmate was there all along but they both wasn’t ready yet. They had to wait for the appointed time.

Friendship to Relationship

" I have found the one whom my soul loves." Song of Solomon 3:4

Through the 9 years of friendship they needed to find themselves and love each other first. Shernavia & Tyrin both found God. January 1, 2020 they found God’s love in each other that day. God gave them a Yes! From friendship to now a relationship. Their true foundation is built on God. They believe 100% that having a friendship first is the key to a happy & successful relationship. Their secret is that they love themselves, they love God first, and then they let all that love shine through them when they're together. That’s why their love is unbreakable, unbearable & loving. They have learned through the 9 years of knowing each other, to love themselves first before they can love each other. Everyone deserves a person who can make their heart forget that it was ever broken. And that’s what the couple do for each other. They both prayed for a strong relationship and God answered their prayers. God found a perfect match when he put them together. They plan to continue their special bond and grow together in love forever.

The Proposal

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD." Proverbs 18:22

August 16, 2021, was the day of glory and true happiness! On this very day, not only did Shernavia get a healing from God which led to cancer being removed from her colon, but on this very day, after the procedure, she woke up and saw Tyrin by her side and there she seen this beautiful ring on her finger. This was the best moment of their lives. It’s not easy to watch your spouse suffer. It's a huge burden of pain. Shernavia struggled with the hardship towards her sickness put on Tyrin. But she knew if they were going to make it through, she had to come to grips with God’s grace. It takes a real "MAN" to stick by you when you're sick....that's when you really know he's the "ONE". We all know this is a mandatory wedding vow "being committed to your partner “in sickness and in health.” The love & support Tyrin gave Shernavia during that time was undeniable.


“So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭6‬ ‭

Tyrin, in the presence of God, our family and friends, I take you today as my husband. I know that God has ordained this love. Because of this I desire to spend the rest of my life loving you. No matter what life brings our way, I promise to always love you and be faithful to you for as long as we both shall live. I promise to be for you the helpmate God intended from the beginning. In accordance to Ephesians 5, I will submit myself to you as unto Christ. I will love, honor, and respect you as the head of our home. I will build you up when life weighs you down. I will encourage you to walk into God’s purpose for your life. I will cover you in prayer. I will honor you as the head. I will support you in good times and in bad. You are now my husband, my lover, my protector, and my friend. And in the sight of God we are now one.

Shernavia, from the bottom of my heart, I knew you were my spiritual soul mate when I first laid eyes on you. God made me realize that you’re everything I ever dreamed of and need in my life. Without your love, it feels like I’m walking down a dark endless tunnel, but as I keep going, there you are, shining bright in tunnel. I am very thankful to have you into my life. I promise to protect you from any harms way. And I will always be faithful and honest towards you. So no matter what, I will never give up on our love towards each other.